
Earth's countdown. What's going on!

I'm way ahead of you !!



Epic change coming

De-salination plantSaltwater de-salination processes exist but are being withheld from us. Along with many, many other advancements that us Plebs are considered not worthy of.

Alternate energy sources and means of transport exist, yet we are still forced to use fossil fuels in our rubber tyred vehicles which have to be steered by hand, and stuck to the ground !!

Once the change happens we will all have to face a HUGE learning curve.

Are you ready for it?

Awake !!!

Water shortage ??

Please don’t let any weather-man, scientist or idiot tell you that you
have to conserve water because it is scarse and that it is running out.Water Shortage
The Corporate and Military, Billionaire, Elite Overlords want you to think this and worry about it, keeping your mind of the REAL issues…
(Prestidigitation, as they say. Sleight of hand, a magician’s trick, etc…)
There are trillions of litres of water on this planet, just like millions of other, occupied by intelligent life, planets in the galaxy.
The creators of these planets would not have given them trillions of litres
of water and not have the life forms die of thirst, due to a lack of intelligence
to desalinate it.De-salination plant
Granted, us Earthings are not intelligent enough to do such things, but we were  given, by means of trade, this information many, many decades ago, but the  Corporate and Military, Billionaire, Elite Overlords have kept this knowledge  for  themselves and black-shelved it for their own, personal future use.
We, the pleb public, are not worthy of such things, afterall !!
So drink up folks. Don’t be fooled.
Sleep not!!


InsuranceWe have insurance for everything under the Sun!!! …. literally. Car, home, life, family, medical, debt, legal, but what about food and water, batteries and extra warm clothing?
So perhaps the world won’t end in September 2015… (but remember that that window is September 2015 to September 2016), but what if the Zombies come?
Seriously, though. PREP. I’m a Prepper. Have been so since the 1980’s. Has anything major happened?
NO. May something happen? YES. Prepare. Most homes only have enough food and water for 3 days, in an emergency. Some only food for 3 days. Water ceases the moment the tap is dry.
Prepare. I’m way ahead of you!!

Cataclysm Awareness

SurvivalStage 1 – Cataclysm Awareness : watch, research, stock up, be aware.

Stage 2 – Cataclysm Events : The first to fall will be the last to know.

Stage 3 – Post-Event :- Survivor Mode. Create groups. Share. Survive.

Stage 4 – The Backside : Recovery. Survived all those years? See blue sky again? You can now apply your knowledge to grow food and herbs.

Stay awake.


No more gold !!

GoldIt is just so hard to believe that all this gold, and more since, is now off-planet.

And what did we get in return? Us public? NOTHING !!

The military and the Elite – the powers only know …

But unfortunately, most of the technological information we, as Earth, received, was black-shelved because us pleb, sheeple are not worthy of it and the Elite want to keep us Earth-bound and using fossil fuels and petroleum products because they are making trillions out of us.

No free energy for the sheeple. No, we can’t get rich on that. Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaa …….


Recently, (2015), NASA states that “… we’ll find signs of alien life in the next decade“.Alien at door

They also say:- “Is anyone out there? They answer is almost certainly, yes“.

~~ (Well I could have told you that for nothing!!) ~~

They continue:- ” The search for alien life has long been shifted from a question of whether it exists to a question of when we’ll find it“…

So we are being set up folks !!!

This being said, when ‘they’, [NASA, The Elite, whoever!!] say, “the aliens have landed“, THEY can then say ” we told you so“, yet we, (the informed few), have been saying this for decades – since 1958, in fact.

“… we’ll find signs of life in the next decade“?

Why not in the next 3 months? Hell, why not next Tuesday???

What’s so special about the next decade?



NASA and a Flat Earth

Yes, at first I thought that the Flat Earth idea was crazy and mad, but think on this.NASA liars

Have any of us every been up in space? No. What photographs have we ever seen of Earth? NONE.

What pictures of Earth have we seen? All from NASA. Lying NASA.

And they NEVER say ‘photographs’, they say ‘images’. Why images? Photo-shopped images.

Yet they talk about the Moon and show us their version of it, and grey out the rear of it when they do let us have a look at their ‘image’ of it. And as the grey rear of the moon floats past, with no sun hot-spot, btw, and no edge darkening, against a backdrop of the Earth, do you notice that for the entire duration of its ‘fly-by’ that there is no cloud movement on Earth. NONE WHATSOEVER !!! It’s as if all weather/cloud movement on Earth stopped for 6 hours…

Why? Because it is bogus. A big CrocK. You NASA fools. What do you take us for?

Check out the many, many videos on YouTube regarding this recent video given us by the grace of NASA. Thank you NASA. NASA shows us and says so, so it must be so. All hail to NASA. We bow down and worship your crap.

And also check out the flat-earth theorists/theory that is gaining momentum fast.Flat Earth

“Images” given to us by NASA show a globe, a sphere. Right. Check out this picture of what a flat-earth would look like. Take all the shipping lanes of sea vessels and the flight paths of aircraft, then straighten them out and what do you find??? Yes, a flat-earth is not such a crazy idea after all.


What is the United Nations emblem?

A FLAT EARTH !!!UN logo - flat Earth pic

Are you starting to think now ???

Check out the videos on YouTube.

I admit that YouTube is also used by the Elite to spread dis-information, propaganda, lies and the such, and all you see is not true, and neither is it all false. Look at about 20 from different sources and get a general feel, for this and ANY other topic for that matter…

Give it due diligence. Do not just poo-poo the idea.

UN? Elite, Illuminati. Do you know something that we don’t???


… and also check out the work Illuminati backwards is itanimulli (Itani mulli, for ease of reading and pronunciation). Type that into a Google search and what comes up? – Welcome to the National Security Agency – NSA/CSS  – the NSA.

Did I type that right? N-S-A, didn’t I possibly mean N-A-S-A ??

Anyway, thank for reading. Please subscribe and like. It’s appreciated.

All revenue goes to a worthy charity.

“Charity begins at home”. Only kidding.

There is no money: just like there is no Nibiru !! – they say…

Area 51

Area 51Do you know how much fantastic shit is sitting in wooden crates under Area 51?

Stuff that would have made us a 100 times more advanced than we currently are.

Thousands of things from off-planet.

Voting cattle

Every moment of every  day in every location and in every situation you have the moral obligation to do what you deem to be right, not what some delusional, bloated windbag says is legal.School class

On the one hand we teach the young slaves that violence is never the answer, yet out of the other side of our mouths, we advocate that everyone, everything, everywhere and at all times be controlled, monitored, taxed and regulated through the force of government. In short we are teaching the children that the masters may use violence whenever they please, but the slaves should never resist. We indoctrinate our children into a life of unthinking helpless subservience. We are putting the chains around their little necks and fastening the locks tight, and worst of all we feel good about it.

The entire YouTube video here.

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