
Earth's countdown. What's going on!

I'm way ahead of you !!



Probes ? Up my …

Why are all these probes sending crystal-clear images of planets and star-systems back to NASA liarsEarth, in record time, and yet not one of the damn things can take a 2015 picture of our freaking ‘blue marble”.

“Blue Marble”, WTF??? Get a life NASA. We are not in kinder-garten. It’s our freaking planet you idiots!! A planet that you say we (the public) are destroying and must look after, yet it is YOU that are F… it up !! Bastards… Suck on that, NASA, Elite, Illuminuti assesĀ !!

Rant over.

Black hole (in the head) !!

They say they’ve discovered a new black hole more that 10 billion light years away !!!

Bullshit !!Black Hole

Light, travelling at the speed of light, (obviously), will take 10 billion years to get either there or back… SO HOW THE FREAKING HELL can they claim to see it? let alone photograph it…

If it DID exist, then it may no longer (exist), and if it does still exist, then we will only know about it in 10 billion years time.


You NASA idiots need to find a black hole and get sucked in.

Sheeple. We believe – NOT !!

Illuminati pyramid

These are a few of the levels/layers of the Illuminati pyramid –Illuminati pyramid

Lawyers, police, military, judges, politicians, coroner’s office, social services, religious organisations, governments, community leaders, business leaders, media, medical … in no particular order.

Wasting your time

Concerts, musicals, shows, TV, radio, sit-coms, sports, reality shows, music, movies, videos, TV 3dvd’s, cell-phones, tablets, internetĀ – what a waste of your valuable time; unless you are using the internet to study stuff…

The Corporate and Military, Billionaire, Elite Overlords are filling your brains with crap and valueless nonsense.

Read, research, illuminate your mind. Awake sheeple !!

Hollow Moon

MoonMy goodness, I have to wear glasses. No problem.

Yes, so at 400 meters, without my glasses,Ā I struggle to see objects clearly, yet at 400,000 km I can see the Moon clearly, like Superman. It’s a miracle !!!

No, it’s a scam and your name is Truman.

We know…

Flat Earth

On direct flights from Auckland, New Zealand to Chili, South America, done at least ten times,Aircraft window shades about a 16 hour flight,Ā the stewardesses refuse to let you open the window shades, and if you do then they are at your side within 3 seconds to get you to close them.

They say that the other passengers are sleeping. Don’t talk utter nonsense!!!

They have been instructed to do that as sheeple.

What the powers-that-be actually want is that you do not see what you are flying over. Yes, the flat-Earth, and the view of the Southern edge is a bit too revealing for us pleb, sheeple

Crazy? Wait.

Hostile theatre

We live in a Hostile Theatre of Operations…Bunkers 2

It’s called Earth.

What a freaking disaster.

The Elites have all these advances given us by the ET’s, but it’s all been Black-Shelved.

Go figure !!


Flat Earth ?

How would things be on a flat earth? How would water run, planes fly, ships sail?Flat Earth
Look around. You’re standing on it!!
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time” -about 60 years or so, then it all
comes tumbling out. Like now !!
We the Sheeple are waiting to be told what to do, like we always are…
US Military: “This is happening, this is why it’s happening, here’s what you should do,
this is what we are going to do.”

Nibiru on its way

Heads in the SandMost people suffer from the “If I can’t see it, it’s not there” mentality.

Nibiru is on its way. It will pass us.

Sleep not.

Awake !!!

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