
Earth's countdown. What's going on!

I'm way ahead of you !!



Titanic – Don’t go down with it this time

TitanicDon’t waste your time about thinking how unfair things are and how deceived you have been by the elites.

Planet X. The Leverage of Deception.

Remember – Titanic Rules – “First Class gets the boats, Steerage goes down with the ship. We’re steerage”.

Yes, it’s unfair, but it’s always been that way. Don’t waste your time agonizing over this. Focus on what really matters – your survival and for those you love and care about.

Ebola hoax

ebolaWhatever happened to Ebola? It was such a scare !! We were to do this and that and go to the Dr for whatever???

Bullshit. Hoax scare.

We are not your slaves to bow down to your every wish and command. We Think !!! We are not all asleep !!

Your days are numbered – 106 days left, if I am not mistaken. Sleep easy till then.



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