
Earth's countdown. What's going on!

I'm way ahead of you !!



Epic change coming

De-salination plantSaltwater de-salination processes exist but are being withheld from us. Along with many, many other advancements that us Plebs are considered not worthy of.

Alternate energy sources and means of transport exist, yet we are still forced to use fossil fuels in our rubber tyred vehicles which have to be steered by hand, and stuck to the ground !!

Once the change happens we will all have to face a HUGE learning curve.

Are you ready for it?

Awake !!!

Water shortage ??

Please don’t let any weather-man, scientist or idiot tell you that you
have to conserve water because it is scarse and that it is running out.Water Shortage
The Corporate and Military, Billionaire, Elite Overlords want you to think this and worry about it, keeping your mind of the REAL issues…
(Prestidigitation, as they say. Sleight of hand, a magician’s trick, etc…)
There are trillions of litres of water on this planet, just like millions of other, occupied by intelligent life, planets in the galaxy.
The creators of these planets would not have given them trillions of litres
of water and not have the life forms die of thirst, due to a lack of intelligence
to desalinate it.De-salination plant
Granted, us Earthings are not intelligent enough to do such things, but we were  given, by means of trade, this information many, many decades ago, but the  Corporate and Military, Billionaire, Elite Overlords have kept this knowledge  for  themselves and black-shelved it for their own, personal future use.
We, the pleb public, are not worthy of such things, afterall !!
So drink up folks. Don’t be fooled.
Sleep not!!

It does NOT exist !!

NASA insists in public statements that Nibiru does NOT exit and is therefore not a NASAthreat, yet they are warning their staff to make preparations….

How the flip can something that does not exit not be a threat?

Something has to exist to be a threat or not.

It’s like saying , “Nothing is there”.

That actually means that ‘nothing’ IS there. So it is there… nothing.

Perhaps, “Not anything is there”?, or “Not nothing”? or “Not anything is not there?”

– This is a HUGE dilemma. Let me sleep on this one…


InsuranceWe have insurance for everything under the Sun!!! …. literally. Car, home, life, family, medical, debt, legal, but what about food and water, batteries and extra warm clothing?
So perhaps the world won’t end in September 2015… (but remember that that window is September 2015 to September 2016), but what if the Zombies come?
Seriously, though. PREP. I’m a Prepper. Have been so since the 1980’s. Has anything major happened?
NO. May something happen? YES. Prepare. Most homes only have enough food and water for 3 days, in an emergency. Some only food for 3 days. Water ceases the moment the tap is dry.
Prepare. I’m way ahead of you!!

Prepare – Part 1

Part 1 – So, it’s a weekday afternoon, the power has just gone out, and it is NOT loadshedding !! Cell - no signalYour cell phone works but the network is down. Your car has a 1/4 tank of fuel and you don’t know how to contact your kids. The car radio is only broadcasting emergency messages and you are starting to worry.

Traffic lights outThe traffic lights are out and people are driving like idiots!! You  only have three days of food at home and no stored water. The auto-tellers are dead and the stores have closed their doors. There is a faint rumbling in the air and the sky is darkening. But it’s only 3pm!! You start to worry, more…

A police helicopter passes overhead, very low. People scatter unnecessarily. You see a car on Police helicopterfire, smell the fumes. It sparks fear deep inside your gut. What’s going on? People are becoming manic!! What’s the shortest route home? There’s smoke rising on the horizon in the direction in which you need to go. Where are my family? What must I do? I know we have a half-filled gas bottle and some left over braai wood at home. Where are the matches? Do we still have Matchesmatches? How will we cook tonight? Need to ration the food now. I hope the water supply is still on? Must fill some bottles. How many do we have?Flying brick

A brick flies over your car’s bonnet. You gun the accelerator almost hitting a terrified pedestrian. What is that rumbling?

[… Part 2 to follow soon…]


I want to challenge all my avid readers to

text and run during their next marathon.Texting while running

Try it.

Should be fun !!

A dangerous place

Why is the world a dangerous place?Sign 1

Not because of those that do evil, but because of those that look on and do nothing.

We have ourselves to blame.

The Elite do as they please…

The Illuminati (itanimulli) map out your life for you…

The rich get richer, then super rich…

Sleep on !!

No more gold !!

GoldIt is just so hard to believe that all this gold, and more since, is now off-planet.

And what did we get in return? Us public? NOTHING !!

The military and the Elite – the powers only know …

But unfortunately, most of the technological information we, as Earth, received, was black-shelved because us pleb, sheeple are not worthy of it and the Elite want to keep us Earth-bound and using fossil fuels and petroleum products because they are making trillions out of us.

No free energy for the sheeple. No, we can’t get rich on that. Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaa …….


Recently, (2015), NASA states that “… we’ll find signs of alien life in the next decade“.Alien at door

They also say:- “Is anyone out there? They answer is almost certainly, yes“.

~~ (Well I could have told you that for nothing!!) ~~

They continue:- ” The search for alien life has long been shifted from a question of whether it exists to a question of when we’ll find it“…

So we are being set up folks !!!

This being said, when ‘they’, [NASA, The Elite, whoever!!] say, “the aliens have landed“, THEY can then say ” we told you so“, yet we, (the informed few), have been saying this for decades – since 1958, in fact.

“… we’ll find signs of life in the next decade“?

Why not in the next 3 months? Hell, why not next Tuesday???

What’s so special about the next decade?



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